Health for Palestine (H4P) is a program of 1for3. Founded in 2010, 1for3, a section 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization in Massachusetts, partners with organizations on the ground in the West Bank, Palestine to offer bold, community-based solutions to improve the lives of Palestinian refugees. 1for3 works with the Lajee Center, a community initiative in Aida camp, a United Nations (UN) administered refugee camp in the West Bank, to support the Water - Food - Health - Education Nexus that is at play in the lives of residents. 1for3 promotes sustainable projects that rally refugee communities around water and food security, better health care, children's right to play, and education.


Leadership of 1for3

Nidal Al-Azraq is the executive director of 1for3. He is a Palestinian refugee who was born and raised in the Aida refugee camp, Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine. Nidal earned his Bachelor's Degree with Honors from the Harvard University Extension School, Dean's List Academic Achievement Award, and Derek Bok Public Service Prize. He has been involved for over 15 years in working with young Palestinian refugees in refugee camps in the West Bank through human rights, empowerment, and political education projects. Nidal volunteered at the Lajee Center, a youth organization in Aida camp, from 2001-2003. He was the administrative director of the Lajee Center from 2003-2006. Nidal has directed 1for3 since 2012.

1for3’s Results Driven Partnerships

Operating on a lean and limited budget, 1for3 provides maximum impact in the lives of the people we serve. Since its inception, 1for3 has established portable water quality monitoring programs, constructed 33 rooftop gardens and greenhouses, built two community cisterns, replaced 30 roof-top water tanks to safeguard household water supplies, organized three medical missions that have served over 700 refugees across three UN administered camps, trained refugees to conduct independent water testing that resulted in upgraded infrastructure improvements, and led four delegations to build water testing labs and train technicians to test and monitor water. Community Health Workers (CHWs) have completed over 2000 patient visits since March 2018. When fully developed the Lajee Center Kindergarten supported by 1for3 will provide a pre-school education for 100 children from Aida and Azza camps. Working with Boston-area partners including the Water: Systems, Science, and Society (WSSS) Program at Tufts University, Harvard Medical School physicians, University of Massachusetts Boston faculty, and Harvard Kennedy School students, 1for3 garners the technical expertise needed to bring community-driven solutions to life in Aida and Azza camps and to the surrounding villages.